Sunday 25 November 2012

Chicken Shed: Radio drama now online

The Chicken Shed Reunited is now available online as a four-part radio drama on iTunes. Just click the link below to take you to the page to either stream or click on the 'View in iTunes' icon to download.

Note - it's best to use this link as it may take a couple of weeks before my name and the play register as searchable in the iTunes database.

For those who don't know the play:
Miles, Simon and Danny are old friends united by their fear and loathing of the same school bully that forces them to retreat to Miles' shed every Friday after school.

Fifteen years later Simon arranges for The Chicken Shed Gang to reunite only to find that catching up on old times is not going to be the experience of positive nostalgia he was looking for.

There are previous blog posts about Chicken Shed making it's stage debut and the writing of the play itself.